Cardinals Dropins
Going Yard Training Center 1902 Alberta Ave, Saskatoon, SK, CanadaAn opportunity to knock some rust off before tryouts begin!
An opportunity to knock some rust off before tryouts begin!
First Evaluation session (Pitching and Batting) Mosquito - 5:30-7pm (2017MosquitoEvalGroups) PeeWee - 7-8:15pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Bantam - 8:15-9pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Midget - 9-9:45pm (Evaluations)
Pitching and Batting Mosquito - 5:30-7pm (Saturday Eval Groups) PeeWee - 7-8:15pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Bantam - 8:15-9pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Midget - 9-9:45pm (Evaluations)
Fielding Session (Last Session) Mosquito - 5:15-6:45pm (MosquitoEvalGroups) PeeWee - 6:45-8:00pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Bantam - 8:15-9:00pm (your session will be sent by coordinator)