
Going Yard Training Center 1902 Alberta Ave, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

First Evaluation session (Pitching and Batting) Mosquito - 5:30-7pm (2017MosquitoEvalGroups) PeeWee - 7-8:15pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Bantam - 8:15-9pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Midget - 9-9:45pm (Evaluations)

Evaluation Session #2

Going Yard Training Center 1902 Alberta Ave, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

Pitching and Batting Mosquito - 5:30-7pm (Saturday Eval Groups) PeeWee - 7-8:15pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Bantam - 8:15-9pm (your session will be sent by coordinator) Midget - 9-9:45pm (Evaluations)
