Bantam City Wide

Message from the Saskatoon Bantam AAA Baseball League (SBAAABL) committee

We are excited to let you know that the planning for the new Bantam AAA City-Wide league is well underway and we are looking and planning ahead to ensure the success of this exciting new league.  As Saskatoon works to take baseball to a higher level from a player development standpoint, this new league format will assist in this.  In addition, we will have a new facility that will be first-class and unmatched across the country.

We are looking for coaches for the upcoming season and will be accepting applications until January 13th, 2019.  Individuals interested in being considered can submit applications to .  A committee appointed by the Saskatoon Bantam AAA Baseball League (SBAAABL) committee will be making selections by the end of January 2019.

Also, if your player is of Bantam age, information about tryouts will be sent out and registration will begin February 1st.  Watch for an email in early January with more details.  Tryout information will also be posted on the new league website (currently under development).